Michael Weisel, with his wife Susanna Beyerle and their seven children, joined the Palatine emigration from Schleithal, Bas-Rhin, Alsace to America in 1732. The route was: travel up the Rhine River to the port of Rotterdam; next by ship to the port of Dover, England; followed by a 17 week trip across the Atlantic on the ship Pink John and William to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The family settled in Bedminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvannia by 1743. All four of his sons, "eldest Son"/Frederick, Michael, George and Jacob, are known to have descendents. In the 1800s there were many descendents of immigrant Michael living in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, and the northeastern states.
Four male descendants of immigrant Michael have Y-DNA tested with the familytreedna.com "Weisel Surname Group" project. All four test results were a match, verifying their descent from Michael. Also, the four Weisel test results were a match with a Moyer and Myers, early immigrants to the US East Coast. At this point in time and level of testing, it can't be determined if the German ancestor of immigrant Michael Weisel was a Weisel or a Myers/Moyer.