
Genealogy and History of the Surname Weisel
Including: Weissel, Weisell, Wisel, Wiysel, Wysel, and Wisely

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search engine by freefind Copyright © 1999-2024 BD Weisel
Title / Link Comment Last Update
The Weisel Surname Origins, History, Spelling Variations, Families 11/9/2020
Weisel Y-DNA Surname Project At FamilyTreeDNA.com 12/2014-1/2024
Weisel Surname Message Boards Forums to get help and answers with your research. 2/15/2023
Beware of Fraudulent, Unsourced Trees Includes links to familysearch.org, wikipedia, etc. 12/4/2020
Weisel Archives Docs, census, bios, links, church, vital & immigration records 12/10/2020
Joh. Daniel Weisel (1619-1694) Muschenheim, Hessen, with descendant tree 1/21/2024
George Michael Weisel of Bucks Co. PA (~1693-Bef. 1770) 1732 Immigrant to PA, with descendant tree 1/22/2024
Von Hohenweisel/Hochweisel Surname A work in progress.. Eventually
Weisel/Wiesel/Wiezel/Weizel/Wiseley US Weisel family trees with unknown origins 9/8/2002
What's New Updates to this site 1/22 /2024
Donations Welcome Obits, biographies, letters, newspaper articles, photos, old records


Bonnie's photo at Rootstech 2019

Curiosity about the origins of my Weisel ancestors was the motivation to begin searching for my roots in the spring of 1998. Dates, names, where they came from was unknown, but we did know we were of German descent.

Weisel tree image

I was successful in tracing my Weisel ancestry back to Johannes Weisel, a resident of Muschenheim, Lich, Hessen. His son Joh. Daniel Weisel married Adelheit Mentz in 1639. In the process of this research I have been collecting data and information on other Weisel families from the US and Germany. So I can share this data, I have allocated a significant portion of this homepage to serve as a forum for the collection and exchange of information for the Weisel surname. In the years between 1999 and 2006 I received many online, typed and handwritten contributions. These records and information are listed and included in the following table above.

Comments, contributions, corrections, and additional Weisel family trees are always welcome!
I hope you will share them with me and other researchers.

Rootsweb Has Been Marginalized

Rootsweb was a free genealogy community in the early days of the Internet. Rootsweb.com provided for hosted web sites, mailing lists, online forums, and WorldConnect for family trees.

Rootsweb Image

Rootsweb was acquired by ancestry.com in June 2000. In 2017 Rootsweb hosted web sites and WorldConnect family trees were read-only and could not be updated by the owners. The mailing lists and online forums were retired from active use. In 2019 ancestry returned the hosted web sites online allowing updates, but now with ads top and bottom, some large. For the WorldConnect trees, ancestry replaced the code and allowed a crippled replacement omitting many features. WC Image WC had been the go-to site for hosting family trees as there was no equal on the Internet. WC trees are now essentially useless and covered with many large ads (some sexually suggestive) and a steady sequence of pop-ups. This is tragic -- there exists no substitute sites to replace WC.

The Michael Weisel tree, weisel-pa, and others on WC have not been updated for at least 10 years. For now I will leave the Michael Weisel tree as there are many links to the tree as a reference. In 2020-22, newer versions of family trees will be posted to this site.


Since 12/4/2020